The Syrian Observatory Group Claims: IS Chief Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi was Killed

 11 Jul 2017 ( News Bureau )

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Tuesday (July 11) that the top members of the terrorist group Islamic State have confirmed the death of Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi, the head of the organization in front of him.

Monitoring Group director Rami Abdel Rahman said, "The top level commanders of the IS present in Dyer Ajjor province have confirmed the death of Amir Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi of the Islamic State Group from the Observatory."

They said, "We got to know about it today, but it does not know when and how his death."

Dyer Ajjor province of East Syria is mostly in the possession of the IS, while the group is losing its control area in other parts of the country and neighboring Iraq.

Rehman said that Baghdadi was present in the eastern parts of Dayar Ajjor province in recent months, but it is not clear where his death has occurred. But in recent months rumors of Baghdadi's death have been continuing and the Russian army had said in mid-June that it has been validating whether IS chief killed in an air strike in Syria in May.

The Russian army said that on one of the hideouts of IS's stronghold Rakka, Sukhoi fighters attacked on May 28 for 10 minutes, where the commander of the group was planning to take his members out of the area. The US-led coalition then said that he could not confirm Baghdadi's death in the Russian attack. Baghdadi, Iraq-born 46-year-old has never been seen anywhere since 2014.

However, now with the official confirmation of his death, it will be a new setback for the terrorist group, who is also fighting with the US-led Kurdish and Arab fighters to occupy his Syrian stronghold Rakka.


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