One million people lost their jobs in the aviation industry

 11 Jul 2020 ( News Bureau )

The International Air Transport Association, representing 290 airlines, estimates that airlines around the world will lose $ 84 billion. With this, the jobs of one million people will end.

This week, United Airlines, one of the three largest carriers in the United States, has warned its employees that it may cut 36,000 jobs due to a severe reduction in air travel.

Helen Baker, managing director and senior research analyst at investment firm Cowen, says that the epidemic could result in American airlines leaving two million of their 7.5 million employees.

The consortium of US airlines is pressuring the Trump government to increase the bailout package of $ 25 billion.

To get the help released by the government, airlines have to hire people till the next September.

But IATA says that doing so will bring broad benefits.

An IATA spokesperson said that the number of jobs that are going on in the aviation sector shows how serious the financial crisis is facing the aviation sector and all those who depend on air connectivity.

Along with this, it has been said that the restrictions imposed by the government to protect people from the corona virus are fully understood, but in doing so the economic and social consequences of these steps should be taken into consideration.


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