North Korea Boosts Tension by Firing Missile from Top of Japan

 29 Aug 2017 ( News Bureau )

North Korea has raised tension in the area on Tuesday by firing missiles from top of Japan. This missile has landed in the Pacific Ocean of Hokkaido Island of Japan.

Japan's chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga told that the missile was tested at around 5.58 in the morning from the western coast of North Korea and the missile crossed the Hokkaido's Cape Arimo at around 6.06 a.m. in the morning.

North Korea has made it clear to the US and its closest ally to its aggressive attitude that it will not go back in the war game.

The news agency Xinhua quoted Yoshihide Suga as saying that the missile traveled 2,700 kilometers and went to the Pacific Ocean at around 6.12 am in the morning.

Yoshihide Suga said that it is also possible that the missile broke into three parts and went to Japan Sea. The Japanese government is monitoring the situation.

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that the missile test threatens regional peace and security and Japan strongly opposes it.

He said that Japan will demand an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council. After the North Korean missile test, the Japanese government convened a meeting of the National Council.

Here Japan has also asked the United States to increase pressure on North Korea.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that he will do everything possible to protect the Japanese.

At the same time Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff said that North Korea's missile covered 2,700 km and went up to a maximum height of 550 kilometers. Missile was fired from Hokkaido island of northern Japan.

It is believed that this is the first time since 2009 that North Korea's missile has crossed Japan.

Let us know that North Korea has conducted missile tests consistently and rapidly this year.

Some analysts believe that North Korea can achieve such weapons before US President Donald Trump ends, through which he can target America.


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