Gurpatwant Singh Pannu case: What did Canadian PM Trudeau say after the case was registered in America?

 30 Nov 2023 ( News Bureau )

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has once again tried to corner India in the Hardeep Singh Nijjar murder case after a case was registered against Indian man Nikhil Gupta in America.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said that this case underlines what Canada is saying about the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar and that India needs to take this matter seriously.

Justin Trudeau said on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, that Canadian agencies had been working with their American counterparts since August 2023 on allegations related to the Indian government's involvement in the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar.

Sikh separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar was murdered on 18 June 2023 in the British Columbia province of Canada.

After this, Canada had made serious allegations like the involvement of the Indian government in this matter.

But the Indian government termed the allegations made by the Canadian government as 'gross' and 'motivated'.

India had given Hardeep Singh Nijjar the status of a terrorist in the year 2020 itself.

What are the allegations against Nikhil Gupta?

In the indictment filed in the US court, Indian citizen Nikhil Gupta has been accused of giving contract for the murder of an American citizen in exchange for one lakh dollars in cash.

According to documents presented in the court, Nikhil Gupta, at the behest of an official working for the Indian government, contacted a hitman in America and gave him a contract to kill a Sikh separatist leader.

The indictment claims that during a conversation with an Indian official, Nikhil Gupta had told that he was involved in international smuggling of narcotics and weapons.

The indictment also claims that Nikhil Gupta is facing a criminal case in the Indian state of Gujarat in which he had agreed to carry out a murder in New York for an Indian official in exchange for help.

According to the document, the hitman whom Nikhil Gupta contacted was an undercover agent of the US Intelligence Department.


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