Ceasefire between Israel and Hamas extended for one day

 30 Nov 2023 ( News Bureau )

Israel and Hamas have informed that the ongoing ceasefire between the two sides has been extended for one more day.

The Israeli military said the ceasefire with Hamas would remain in place "in view of efforts by mediators to continue the process of releasing the hostages".

At the same time, Hamas has said that the ceasefire with Israel is being extended for one day and it will now come into effect on the seventh day.

News agency Reuters has given this information.

The deal between Hamas and Israel regarding hostages is in effect from Friday, 24 November 2023.

Under which Hamas is releasing some Israeli hostages and in return Israel is releasing certain Palestinian prisoners from its jails.

During this period the ceasefire is in force. Also, trucks filled with aid and essential medicines are entering Gaza.

Thursday, 30 November 2023 is the seventh day of this ceasefire.


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