Can the corona virus affect the human brain?

 08 Jul 2020 ( IBTN News Bureau )

Doctor Julie Helms's Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admitted finger-numbing patients in early March 2020, but within a few days her ICU ward was filled with Covid-19 patients.

But the concern of Doctor Julie was not something to worry about in these patients, but something else.

Doctor Julie works at the Hospital of the University of Strasbourg, located in Northern France. "The patients were very excited," she says. Many had neurological problems. Problems such as confusion and delirium mainly. It was completely unusual and scary, especially because many of the people we treated were quite young. He was between 30 and 49 years old and some were only 18 years old. ''

In February, Chinese researchers found after a study on patients in Wuhan city that "corona virus infection also affected people's brains".

Symptoms seen by Chinese researchers in Covid-19 patients had all indicated signs of 'encephalopathy'. In medical language, the term 'encephalopathy' is used for brain damage.

Scientists have hinted at a new problem regarding the corona virus. According to scientists, due to corona virus, serious brain diseases can arise, which will also not be possible to cure.

Researchers at University College London have seen serious problems in the brain of 43 Covid-19 patients. Inflammation has been found in the brains of these patients and they have also been observed to have psychotic and fainting habit.

According to this study, patients' brain may stop working, seizures may occur. Apart from this, there may be damage to the nerves of the brain and other difficulties of the brain can be seen.

Dr Michael Zandi of the Institute of Neurology at University College London said, "Due to the corona virus there will be massive brain damage." Probably 1918 will be the situation. After the Spanish flu, there was an outbreak of mental fever encephalitis in the 1920s and 1930s.

The BBC's medical correspondent Fergus Walsh has recently written the report, according to which the corona virus may face a variety of neurological difficulties.


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