Bihar: Nitish government released caste survey data, extremely backward 36 percent and backward 27 percent

 02 Oct 2023 ( News Bureau )

Bihar government in India has released the caste census data. According to the census, the backward class population is 27.13 percent. The population of extremely backward class is more than 36.01 percent.

Whereas the general category population is 15.52 percent.

Additional Secretary of Bihar Government, Vivek Kumar Singh has given this information in a press conference.

According to the caste survey, the population of Bihar is 13 crore 7 lakh 25 thousand 10.

Vivek Kumar Singh said that the population of backward class is 27.13 percent, population of extremely backward class is 36.01 percent and population of general class is 15.52 percent.

He told that the Scheduled Caste population is 19.65 percent.

The population of Yadavs among the backward classes is 14 percent. The population of Musahar caste is 3 percent. Kurmi population is 2.87 percent.

Additional Secretary of Bihar Government, Vivek Kumar Singh said that Bihar Legislature had passed the proposal to conduct caste based census (survey) in Bihar on 18 February 2019.

He said, "After this, on June 2, 2022, the Bihar Council of Ministers decided to conduct caste-based census. It was to be done in two phases. In the first phase, it was to be done through houses."

"Under this, house numbering was done and list was made from January 7, 2023 to January 31, 2023. In the second phase, the work of census of all the persons of Bihar was started on April 15, 2023."

"In this, different responsibilities were given to the district level officials and this work was completed on a war footing. On August 5, 2023, all the data was prepared and submitted through the mobile app.''

"The total number of survey families in Bihar is 2 crore 83 lakh 44 thousand 107 and the total population in it is 13 crore 7 lakh 25 thousand 10."

"In this, there are 53 lakh 72 thousand 22 people in temporary migrant status."

According to the caste survey of Bihar, what is the population of which caste there?

Total population of general category – 15.52 percent

Brahmin: 3.66 percent

Bhumihar: 2.86 percent

Rajput: 3.45 percent

Backward population: 27.13 percent

Yadav: 14 percent

Kurmi: 2.87 percent

Extremely backward population: 36.01 percent

Scheduled Caste population – 19.65 percent

Scheduled Tribe population – 1.68 percent


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